
Placeholder content for this accordion, which is intended to demonstrate the .accordion-flush class. This is the second item's accordion body. Let's imagine this being filled with some actual content.

Placeholder content for this accordion, which is intended to demonstrate the .accordion-flush class. This is the third item's accordion body. Nothing more exciting happening here in terms of content, but just filling up the space to make it look, at least at first glance, a bit more representative of how this would look in a real-world application.
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Home / Latest News / CEEG won the "2023 China IDC Industry Green Solution Award"

CEEG won the "2023 China IDC Industry Green Solution Award"

The 18th China IDC Industry Annual Ceremony (IDCC2023) was grandly held at the National Convention Center in Beijing from December 12th to 14th. With the theme of "Computing Power Evolution and Digital Creation", the ceremony focused on industry hot spots and gathered industry elites to discuss the development direction and future trends of the digital economy. China Electric Heavy Equipment participated in the exhibition and demonstrated green and energy-saving amorphous alloy dry-type transformers to thousands of guests.

During the ceremony, the exhibition area was crowded, the main venue and broadcast hall were packed, and millions of viewers simultaneously watched the live broadcast of the conference through dozens of online platforms.

At the ceremony, the 2023 China IDC Industry Annual Selection and Awards Ceremony was held at the same time, and the list of winners was announced on the spot. CEEG's green and energy-saving products won the "2023 China IDC Industry Green Solution Award" and were widely recognized by the industry.

During the conference, many brand owners, industry experts, digital industry leaders, and other guests visited the CEC booth to communicate and share the current data center market situation, and jointly discuss the future layout and development of data centers.

At present, China Electric's green and energy-saving products have been successfully applied to China Mobile Beijing International Information Port, China Telecom Shanghai Information Park Data Center, China Resources Data Center, Shanghai Telecom Zhenru Data Center, Qingdao Telecom Data Center, Huawei General Contractor Hubei Telecom Broadband R&D Center, China Telecom Beijing-Tianjin-Hebei Data Center, China Telecom Inner Mongolia Data Center Park, China Telecom Gui'an Data Center Park, China Unicom Langfang Data Center Park, Yunnan Yuntou Data Center, China Radio and Television Ningxia Data Center and other major data centers across the country.

Promoting technological progress in the industry and creating a better life for mankind is China Electric’s pursuit and responsibility. Under the guidance of the "double carbon" goal, CEEG is driven by technological innovation and conscientiously fulfills its mission and responsibilities. At the same time, relying on products and services, CEEG empowers customers, promotes the upward development of data centers, and contributes to building a digital China and smart society. Contribute!