
Placeholder content for this accordion, which is intended to demonstrate the .accordion-flush class. This is the second item's accordion body. Let's imagine this being filled with some actual content.

Placeholder content for this accordion, which is intended to demonstrate the .accordion-flush class. This is the third item's accordion body. Nothing more exciting happening here in terms of content, but just filling up the space to make it look, at least at first glance, a bit more representative of how this would look in a real-world application.
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Home / Latest News / CEEG carries out cooperation and exchanges with Nanjing University of Science and Technology

CEEG carries out cooperation and exchanges with Nanjing University of Science and Technology

In order to further integrate school-enterprise cooperation, build a strategic platform for cultivating reserve talents, assist the integration of industry and education, and work together to promote new development. On the afternoon of March 26, a China Electric Group delegation visited Nanjing University of Science and Technology, and the two parties held discussions and exchanges on school-enterprise cooperation.

Zong Hongqi, Deputy Secretary of the CEEG Party Committee and Secretary of the Discipline Inspection Commission, Lian Junshan, Deputy Secretary of the Party Committee and Director of the Group Office, Dong Nan, Member of the Party Committee and Director of Human Resources, as well as heads of relevant departments such as the Engineering and Technology Department, Executive Deputy General Manager of Nanjing University of Science and Technology Technology Transfer Center Company Fu Jin, Assistant Dean Suo Futao of the School of Intellectual Property of Nanjing University of Science and Technology, Li Lei, Director of the Electrical Department of the School of Automation and other experts and professors attended the discussion.

01 School-enterprise exchanges to seek common development

Mr. Fu extended a warm welcome to Secretary Zong, Secretary Lian, and Mr. Dong of CEEG and introduced the history of Polytechnic University, the current talent training model, and the major achievements achieved. Professor Suo introduced the relevant situation of the school's intellectual property transformation, and Professor Li introduced the school-running characteristics, distinctive advantages, and scientific research results of the School of Automation, and focused on the transformation of electrical engineering-related patents in detail.

Secretary Zong of CEEG expressed his gratitude to Mr. Fu and Professor Suo for their warm reception. At the meeting, the participating leaders of Nanjing Polytechnic listened in detail to the company introduction given by Chen Jiezuo from the Marketing Department of China Electric and expressed their appreciation for the fruitful results achieved by China Electric over the years.

02 Two-way empowerment between industry, academia, research, and application

Secretary Zong pointed out that Nanjing University of Science and Technology, as a well-known institution of higher learning in my country, has always maintained outstanding achievements and influence in teaching, scientific research, and academic aspects. He hoped to take this opportunity to work with Nanjing University of Science and Technology in talent introduction, directional training, intellectual property achievement transformation, In-depth cooperation between industry, academia, and research has been carried out in aspects such as the construction of postgraduate workstations to achieve complementary advantages and mutual benefit.

Secretary Lian said during the exchange that low-cost production of products, innovative advancement of technology, and high-quality development of enterprises urgently require talent support and scientific research assistance from universities. CEEG technical staff should make a list of questions and needs and provide them to the institutions. Industrial hot spots, technical difficulties, and enterprise pain points are also the focus of school experts, technicians, and scientific research institutions, and the focus of research and development. In this way, R&D patents will have more leading and transformational value. The in-depth development of school-enterprise cooperation requires two-way efforts; the healthy advancement of school-enterprise cooperation requires two-way empowerment. We hope to have in-depth cooperation with Nanjing University of Science and Technology in more fields and on more channels.

03 Build consensus and look to the future

At the symposium, CEEG technical staff had in-depth exchanges with NTU professors and experts on the marketability and implementation paths of various scientific research results of NTU, especially those related to power and electrical engineering. NTU experts proposed using high-tech new materials as output. The proposal to reduce the cost of power distribution equipment production was affirmed and recognized by CEEG technical staff. Both parties agreed to carry out the next step of docking work after the meeting.

The school-enterprise cooperation between CEEG and Nanjing University of Science and Technology is of far-reaching significance. Both parties have obvious advantages in their respective fields. This cooperation is conducive to leveraging the advantages of both parties for collaborative innovation and will definitely achieve the effect of "1+1>2". This school-enterprise cooperation and exchange has laid the foundation for CEEG and Nanjing University of Science and Technology to further expand cooperation areas. The two parties will take this opportunity to further explore in-depth cooperation in the future and jointly help the power transmission and distribution industry move toward digitalization, high-end, and intelligence. , the high-quality development stage of greening.